YottaHost Nameservers

If you're planning to use your own domain name with YottaHost Cloud services, then you'll need to change the nameservers on your domain.

This is done at the domain registrar - the place you usually register, renew and manage your domain(s).

For shared hosting

Please use the following nameservers:

  • Primary nameserver: ns1.hostinget.net
  • Secondary nameserver: ns2.hostinget.net

For Cloud & WordPress hosting

For cloud hosting and wordpress please use the following nameservers:

  • mercury.hostinget.net
  • venus.hostinget.net
  • earth.hostinget.net
  • mars.hostinget.net


Please use the following nameservers:

  • Primary nameserver: ns1.yotta.host
  • Secondary nameserver: ns2.yotta.host

Remember that nameserver changes can take 12-36 hours to come into effect, so don't be alarmed if your don't see the changes for at least a full day.

If you're still experiencing problems after 36 hours have passed, we recommend restarting your computer and any broadband router you use for internet access.

  • DNS, domains, ns, nameservers
  • 166 Users Found This Useful
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